
Why You Need Regular Roof Inspections

The roof is your home or building’s first line of defense. It is important to protect your roof and monitor the status over time. Scheduling a professional roof inspection from an experienced roofer is a great way to ensure your roof continues to protect your investment.

Why Get a Roof Inspection? 

Spring and summer can cause damage due to heavy wind and rainstorms. Debris can cause your shingles to be damaged or the discovery of unsealed cracks that could allow the pests in, it’s better to check out potential seasonal damage regularly and make repairs.

Clean Gutters

Autumn means leaves are falling. Dead leaves can clog your gutters and cause damage. When your gutters are full of debris, they do not perform the way they are supposed to. They can hold water in place, allowing it to wear away at your roof and create rot. Clean your gutters regularly to allow the water to flow freely.

Check Windows & Door Seals

Now is the time to take a look at the weather stripping and caulking on your windows and doors. With cooler weather coming, you don’t want the warm air leaking out of your house. Air leaks are not just drafty – they’re costly! Check the seals on your windows and doors and determine whether they are allowing air to escape.

With cooler weather on the way, call WeatherShield Roofing & Sheetmetal for your FREE roof inspection to prepare for fall! To learn about our services or to make an appointment give us a call at (817) 441-1446. We are your roofing experts.